The original Verilog code snippet is as follows:
module sub ( C, z );
input C;
output z;
AN3 U1 ( .A(), .B(), .C(C), .Z(z) );
In the dumped Verilog, the code is as follows:
module sub ( C, z );
input C;
output z;
AN3 U1 ( .A(1'b0), .B(1'b0), .C(C), .Z(z) );
Why does Design Compiler connect unconnected pins to 0?
Because Design Compiler does not allow a floating input of a cell, an
unconnected input will always be tied to '0' or '1'.
So in the dumped Verilog, you can see the unconnected pin A connected to 0,
But from version Z-2007.03-SP1, the behavior is different. Check the dumped
Verilog; it is similar to the following:
wire net1, net2;
MUX2D1 U1 ( .I0(net1), .I1(net2),.C(C), .Z(z) );
Notice the difference in the generated Verilog between versions
Y-2006.06 and Z-2007.03.
ReplyDeletemaybe there is some option to turn it ON or OFF in these versions ?